@wildebees *

Wessel van Rensburg

My mind is digital, but my heart in the southern bit of Africa.
Tech fetishist, media voyeur, writer, journalist, meme-hustler.

Digital & Communications strategist

I hear the same problems over and over again. From small start-ups to international businesses, key stakeholders/ founders have never created a digital marketing or comms strategy or even if they have, know have no idea how to implement it.

It’s not surprising – digital marketing and comms is complicated! Marketing is no longer restricted to your marketing department – it has infiltrated the entire organisation, impacting on strategy at every level.

I bring you clear, concise and cost-effective solutions that fit your company and are appropriate for your needs. I will work with you (and often people from across your organisation) to develop a digital marketing and comms strategy that fits your overall business goals.

Past clients include the Santander Group, and in particular, its president Ana Botin, the World Economic Forum, Miista, Open Rights Group and numerous agencies like TVC, Ketchum, Cow PR.



The vast amount of my experience in digital has been about how to get people to notice and engage with digital products, yet early on in my career an employer noticed I was very knowledgable and eloquent about digital and had me media trained. I've been hired by top excutives, not only to create social media strategies and tactics, but have conceptualised and written their tweets, blog posts and even their speeches for them. To misqoute McLuhan, sometimes "the message really is the message".

Digital Products

I have been hired to advise several start-ups and larger organisations on their digital product offerings and services. In digital, even more than elsewhere, your product is a significant part of your marketing. And having worked as Product Manager for Lycos Europe, and run a digital agency, I have opinions on the features, design and usability of digital tools for a businesses' success.


I write about tech, media and its impact on society. I am fascinated by goverment's role in regulating tech. I recently wrote a series on Apple's App Tracking Transparency, and what it might mean for the digital industry. Occasionally I write about South African politics (Daily Maverick), culture, identity and rugby too.

Legal background

Armed with an LLB, I worked as an investigator for South Africa's historic Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

On the web


Wessel's tweets about tech, media & society.


A Substack about digital tech and the role of the state.



My LinkedIn profile.


Writing about technology & society.